Home/ Tropical Blister Foil




Tropical Blister Foil

  •   ● Complete barrier to moistrure, light, oxygen and other gases
  •   High transparence
  •   ● Maximum fracture-free forming capabilities
  •   ● Long-term delamination resistance
  •   ● Low cost and ease of operation
  •   ● Extend product shelf life
  •   Temperature resistance
Tropical Blister laminate layer is the ideal enhancement to conventional thermoformed blisters. It creates an impermeable barrier to moisture, light, oxygen and other gases, as well as being a protective barrier enhancement to extend product shelf life. The layer is added as a secondary base web, so has no direct product contact. - See more at: http://www.amcor.com/products_services/FORMPACK_WITH_DESICCANT.html#sthash.114h0YJ9.dpuf